Every Thursday, the forecourt of the Andrä Church directly in front of the Hotel Andrä becomes a colorful weekly market. Agricultural products from the region, local delicacies and special souvenirs: a visit to the Schranne is worthwhile.
It is so popular that Salzburg Radio broadcasts a live broadcast of the Schranne every Thursday: the weekly market in the middle of the city is a real spectacle. The stalls start setting up at four in the morning, and the first gourmets are out and about at dawn to secure the best delicacies. Fruit, mushrooms, vegetables, dumplings, fresh meat or fish, baked goods, flowers, medicinal ointments, cheese, bacon, baskets, household aids - there is hardly anything that this weekly market doesn't have.
Weekly market in Salzburg – the Schranne

Many Salzburg residents do their weekly shopping at the Schranne and lug large bags full of market-fresh products from the square. The buses that stop at Mirabellplatz are also full of market-goers on Thursday. A special atmosphere that lasts throughout the morning, with new people streaming into the Schranne again and again, until finally, at lunchtime, hungry lunch guests arrive from many of the surrounding offices. The surrounding cafés also benefit from market day: Among Salzburg residents, Schrannen Thursday is a welcome day to meet up with friends for an after-market chat. Whether parents with their children, pensioners or amateur cooks, whether in Shakespeare, in Café Fingerlos, in Café Wernbacher, Bellini or Café Fürst are then very busy.
Do you like taking photos with a lot of character? Then Schrannentag is your ideal day. Whether from the fruit and vegetable stalls or the packed market-goers, here you can capture a very authentic piece of Salzburg. If you would like to cook what Salzburgers make with their treasures from the Schranne, you can find various recipe books full of Schrannen secrets in Salzburg bookstores.

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